The JTAC’s role is to support the infantry with CAS to the best of their aircraft’s abilities. The Pathfinder operates on 3 separate radio nets and in proximity voice chat (more on this in the comms section). The Pathfinder’s job is to provide the platoon with favourable LZs and DZs, be it for infantry or resupply so that the platoon can continue with their objectives in a speedy manner. Here you will find the Theory that you need to control any Aircraft and to conduct strikes on enemy positions and elements. It will describe and explain the basics of being the link between the infantry in the air.
This guide aims to convey all information required to be a JTAC or Pathfinder during any FK mission. With thanks to Shaddowlinkk and Kreeper and Oirien for their previous guides and to Tomo, SilberJojo and Hyxogen for advice and checking